American Dad!: Francine's Flashback (2005)
Season 1, Episode 4
The One Where Stan Erases Francine's Memory...
23 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Newspaper Headline: Hooker Killed For Heart Of Gold. I love this episode. So funny. Francine had been giving Stan a lot of hints about their wedding anniversary, but Stan remembers that it's the same time the CIA has their annual fishing trip. He leaves quickly after dropping a bed and breakfast on Francine. Which she now has to clean up. Even though Stan left in a hurry, Francine still hopes that he will remember and do something romantic. Klaus and Roger highly doubt that he will, as they are watching an episode of COPS from the previous year, which had Francine beating Stan to a bloody pulp for forgetting the anniversary. Meanwhile. Haley gets invited to go to Burning Man with her boyfriend. Whilst Stan is midnight fishing with his co-workers, he remembers the fight he and Francine had, had the year before. He then rushes home to try and make amends, with the excuse that he didn't forget, he was just trying to throw her off and brings Whitney Houston home for a private performance in exchange for cocaine. Francine wasn't impressed, so Stan hands her a card that will make everything better. But when she opens it, gas comes out, and knocks her unconscious. Stan takes her to the CIA to have the last 20 hours of her memory erased. But the scientist performing the procedure gets the dials for years and hours confused and ends up erasing the last 20 years from her memory. Francine now believes it's 1985. And Stan finds out that the procurer is irreversible. He hopes that Francine will eventually remember everything. Francine wakes up at home and freaks out, seeing Roger, an alien, and Klaus, a talking fish. So Stan has to gas her again to knock her out. Stan moves her back to her old apartment and Haley is her roommate. Stan and Haley make sure the apartment looks like 1985. Roger suggests to Stan that he should recreate the moment he and Francine met, that maybe that will jog her memory. But that just makes it worse. Francine runs off with Jeff to Burning Man after throwing a party. Francine eventually gets her memory back after Stan says he'll always love her, whilst she is throwing up all over his shoes. Overall 8 out of 10.
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