So good that you don't want it to end.
23 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've been searching for quite a while for a film that reminded me of Investigating Sex / Intimate Affairs with Dermot Mulrooney and Robin Tunney and it seems I've found a film that actually managed to supersede that.

This film is ever so interesting not just because of the intense content displayed through words but also because the input you actually gain in the process. And lets face it... Listening to a prostitute talking about her experiences is really damn interesting...

This film is catchy, never loses your attention, doesn't grow dull for a split second, and best of all... it doesn't turn into some cheap film where the director feels he needs to display some very explicit sexual content in order to satisfy his viewers. It starts out as a work of art and doesn't stray from that path throughout the entire film. Sure thing... certain features are revealed but its done so in a way that doesn't seem cliché or stereotypical in my own opinion.

The film is definitely worth a look. Real candy for both your eyes and ears if you like films like the one I mentioned in the beginning and films that concern sex but doesn't get lost in it or simply said turn into it because the director lost his own focus in the process hah.. This is quality stuff and worth a look without question.

It's shot in black and white as the title also points at. The acting is pretty good and convincing. There is only one single setting through the entire film which is very interesting actually... It depicts an actual interview with a bunch of prostitutes and previously mentioned it is convincing and thus interesting. You won't regret watching this unless you're incapable of talking or listening to people talking about sex.

Highly recommendable. 7 out of 10. A great film. Interesting input. Catchy subject. Solid acting.
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