Review of Black Box

Black Box (2014)
insulting and cringe-worthy
24 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This show was plugged to be smart, intriguing, with a main character harboring a shocking secret.

Reality: IT IS AWFUL.

*spoilers below this point*

The 'secret' is something that tons of people deal with every day: bipolar disorder. Catherine (or is it Caitlyn?) Black is a brilliant doctor, but turns into a stupid, wild caricature of anyone battling mental illness when she goes off her medication. The show doesn't mention that phases of mania and depression usually take weeks to cycle through. Black turned from pouting and staring vapidly through her horribly cut bangs (why do all of the other characters call her beautiful? Sorry, but no.) to screaming at strangers on street and seemingly-drunk dialing her niece - who, through a series of flashbacks - is revealed to be her biological daughter.

The writing is atrocious, and the ACTING IS HORRID. There were instances with the sexually aggressive surgeon and Dr. Black where it almost seemed like the actors were being fed their lines via an earpiece. There is the token kooky friend, who apparently lives at the research facility and appears to be the stereotypical Gothic/odd girl. Yawn. The handsome boyfriend/fiancé is isn't a terrible actor, but he and the main character HAVE NO CHEMISTRY WHATSOEVER.

As a daughter of someone with bipolar disorder, Black Box's treatment of mental illness is just plain insulting. It makes it out to seem that a sizable portion of the population is insane, sexually perverse and vicious - I'm no doctor, but those things seem to be more in line with someone high on meth, rather than someone tackling manic depression.

STAY AWAY FROM THIS SHOW. It's not worth your time :(
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