True Detective (2014– )
The new best show on TV.
25 April 2014
Gripping, thought provoking, suspenseful and incredibly done are words that come to mind. The first two or three episodes are somewhat slow and I almost gave up on it. Now it wasn't a bad show just taking to long for me to warm up to the rhythm which was a little meandering for me. It's bloomed like a good cigar into rich story telling and wonderful in depth character development.

It even carries a bit of an evil mystical effect with eerie moody visuals and "bad" people left unmolested for decades, who appear to have ingrained into their surroundings a weird kind of acceptance.

I'm almost through the first season and I find myself refraining from chain watching the episodes in one sitting so I've limited myself to one episode per night. Sort of what I did with Lost until Comcast pulled it as I entered the 5th season.

Sit back and enjoy the first few episodes and watch it open up into a gem.
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