Review of Shinzo

Shinzo (2000–2001)
Damn good show...
26 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty much what a condensed version of the Dragon Ball series would be like with better story telling and characters that are marginally more interesting. I'd dare not to spoil away the goodness that this anime .What is it about most bad anime not being short enough or most good anime not being a little bit longer (or at least not ending on a cliff hanger)? Yakumo while at times can be annoying is a very endearing character and helps to push the others forward in spite of all odds. Mushra, Saago, and Kutal being the fighters on the good side all compliment each other yet they also have differences which they gradually overcome. This show has very few moments of humor (though there is one episode seemingly centered around humor), they all definitely hit the mark. Overall an excellent show to get into and it never overstays it's welcome but isn't too short. Give it a watch if you call yourself an anime fan.
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