The Wicked (2013 Video)
Fabulous twist on the horror genre. I don't get all the down votes actually
26 April 2014
This is a typical teen slasher flick, pretty girls, handsome normal guys, a couple smart people, others rather dumb, enough likable characters to feel a bond. Only the producers actually bothered to interject an unusual take on the killer. I like that.

For entertainment - meaning zoning out of the real world filled with professional liars running fake national news operations and nudging the country into humanist neo-communism for happy ignorant airheads - the plot, acting and pace pulled me in for the entire ride. Tons of movies get higher ratings from viewers though are far inferior to this product that is pulling in a 3.7 out of 10 overall at IMDb.

On the flip side, I could easily have gotten the point in one part minus quite the level of visual bloodshed. Otherwise, no major complaints at all. I wrote this tiny blurb to help balance out the harsh comments by critics of a rather fine film.
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