Game of Thrones: Valar Dohaeris (2013)
Season 3, Episode 1
Good Beginning of the Third Season
27 April 2014
Sam is saved from a wight by Ghost first and then by Mormont and a few survivors and Mormont tells that they need to return to The Wall to warn people that danger is coming to Westeros. Jon Snow meets Mance Rayder and he questions why Snow wants to join them and Mance is satisfied with his explanation. Tyrion has a meeting with his father that does not believe that he saved King's Landing from Stannis. Littlefinger offers to help Sansa to Leave King's Landing with him while Ros advises Shae to take care of Sansa and to not trust in Littlefinger. Davos is rescued from an island by Salladhor and he asks to be bought to Dragonstone with the intention of killing Melisandre. Robb and his army arrive at Harrenhal and find all prisoners murdered and only one survivor. Daenerys arrives at Astapor and she negotiates slave-soldiers known as Unsullied with the trader Kraznys mo Nakloz. She is also saved from an attempt of murder from a magician by Barristan Salmy.

"Valar Dohaeris" shows a good beginning of the Third Season of "Game of Thrones". How will be the life of Jon Snow living with his enemies is an intriguing point. Will he change his viewpoint regarding the Wildings? The treatment of Tywin despising his son Tyrion explains part of the behavior of the imp. Sansa does not know that Littlefinger betrayed he father and Ros's pertinent advice to Shae is relevant. But the most promising part of this season seems to be Daenerys and her dragons. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Valar Dohaeris"
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