Low-budget, but high-dollar comedy and entertainment.
1 May 2014
This is low-budget film-making at its best!

First let me say that this stands out from the long-list of documentaries, mockumentaries, "found-footage" films, reality TV, etc. that has become a staple in contemporary film. It's not just another humorous documentary where everybody is "in on it," save the main subject (of the film).

The film follows the wannabe modern renaissance man, Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey (Jonathon Tepes Sharkey on facebook). Jack of all trades, master of none - failure at all Sharkey's resume includes the following: Professional wrestler, professional boxer (remember this!), vampire, witch, pagan, and most importantly, full-time douche knuckle. While there's nothing cool, or interesting about Sharkey himself, the approach director Richard Mullenax takes makes Sharkey look like the fool he is, providing many laughs along the way.

However, after studying up on the film's central character, you realize he may be more dark (not in the way he wants you to believe) and disturbing than a harmless buffoon thirsty for attention. You also realize upon further reflection, the film reveals a disturbing, and scary message about politics, and the many candidates we put in office. Mullenax actually writes an interesting piece on this - suggesting (rather convincingly) that Sharkey's behavior, and eccentricities he exhibits (on full display in this film) are not the exception, but the rule (regarding politicians and their behavior): http://m.dailykos.com/story/2014/04/07/1289801/-Could-a-Republican- Vampire-be-a-Template-for-the-Common-Politician

This is what shoestring-budget documentary (mockumentary, in this case!) filmmaking is all about. Mullenax and his team make the best of the budget they have to work with - and any shortcomings this doc has regarding technical aspects such as lighting, and audio, is compensated for (and then some) by the actual content of the film. It is easy to follow, and is paced quite well - progressing gradually, and transitioning from one hilarious situation to the next. You keep wondering if, or when, Jonathon will storm away in a rage, realizing he's been totally played from day one. I also have to say the film is scored pretty good - the quirky, eclectic "homemade" music seems to fit, and go long with the corresponding scene and situation perfectly.

If you enjoy seeing complete and total ass-hats get made fun of with impunity and recklessness, but at the same time just enough subtlety to keep the victim going along, then you will like this film.

Again, I strongly encourage you to research this Sharkey creep before watching - it will make your viewing experience all the more satisfying and pleasurable, and keep an even bigger smile on your face watching him humiliated!
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