Review of Hundra

Hundra (1983)
Oh my
2 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have several problems with this film. I do not have a problem with women warriors but I do have a problem with them being physically stronger than male warriors in a face to face fight when the women are less massive than a man. Why was the village attacked, just wandering nomads?? Anyway they sure paid a price when they attacked. The entire tribe fought very well and killed a heck of a lot of the attackers. Hundra is the only survivor and she encounters an old seer who tells her she must perpetuate her tribe so she goes in search of a progenitor. Now one person male or female is not going to get it done but this ain't my movie. She comes across a very over acting Tatar type when he camps with his slaves (?). Boy is he a pig!!! She gets rather abused by him to say the least and ends up killing him and freeing the slaves. This is an uneven movie with the ups and downs in the plot and the acting could have been better (when couldn't it usually?). She comes to a city where the high priest seems to rule, an oppressive oaf and things take off from there. They try to to take her to the priest but have a little problem!!! She finds a man she wants to have a child with, goes to the temple because she thinks that is what he is looking for. Well the temple scene just seems to be an orgy. Hey keep the men in line with sex and they will usually do as you want. So she goes to the temple where they try and turn her into a temple slut. Boy does that not work well!! She learns the ways of a temple courtesan to save another plus to get close to the high priest. She has a child which is taken by the priests and they use it to hold her hostage to their god. The scenes in the pit are so chauvinistic it isn't funny. Anyway all ends well as the bad guys die off when Hundra's child is rescued. I like the end where the high priest is torn apart by the courtesans.
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