Twisted: The Son also Falls (2014)
Season 1, Episode 16
Twisted is trying to be interesting, but it seems like they need a new set of writers again.
4 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really am committed to Twisted, but god I need something good to happen, and this episode was such a tease. Be it the ending in which I was excited for the cliff hanger; the idea that Whitney could be Tess' baby; and maybe Jo trying to go back to becoming social, though without Danny this time; there are so many glimmer of hope in this episode, but almost each and every one gets ruined.

Topic 1: Say Hello to Whitney

Jack's daughter is the newest character on the show, and I'm really hoping she is trouble. So far though, she seemingly is escaping a very uncomfortable situation with her mom's boyfriend, so here she is. But, I am hoping that with the information she got kicked out of school before, she will help Twisted admit to itself, it is just another teen drama. Which there is nothing wrong with.

Topic 2: The Lies and Omissions (Danny, Jo, and Lacey)

But, while Whitney is something new and interesting, the story still remains between the three leads and quite a bit happens. For one, Jo is ready to cut off Danny for the 3rd or 4th time, and at this point I wish she would and just stick to Charlie. But, Danny is too alluring and they seemingly want this to be Vikram and Tess 2.0, and the only thing stopping that is Lacey. So, the writers took care of that.

You see, with Lacey being out of the loop on all of Danny's secrets, and then him slowly turning into this odd guy who shows off his wealth, and even bribes a teacher for money, it seems he is gaining more bad traits than trying to deal with the ones he already has. Then, to make things worse, it really does seem like he is becoming like Vikram, and Danny even sees and hears Vikram.

Now, the reason I say Danny maybe Vikram 2.0 is because Vikram would often buy Karen stuff so she would mind her business and as we know, between Lacey and Jo, Lacey was usually the one to not let things go as easily. And with Danny buying her a diamond bracelet, and her seeing through his BS and omissions, she pretty much knew, despite him saying he saw his dad the day he died, something was missing of the story. So, he revealed the whole truth to her and naturally this upset her to the point of being jealous of Jo, of all people. Leading to the hash tag listed below.

Topic 3: "#JoIsTheOne," Oh No She Ain't

I've accepted Jo as the "Trojan Horse," but this quest to make her relevant and likable has been hit and miss. First off, they try to make you sympathize with her and 9/10 she ends up just being annoying, and really, what sucks about her character is the same thing which sucks about Lacey's at this point: they are so attached to Danny, and his drama, that they have sort of lost their own identity in the process.

Yes, Jo is smart, but with Rico with Andie, now all we see her do is mop around, and granted, with the whole "I saw someone get killed twice" thing this makes sense. But, at the same time, she is almost one note. And though I thought Charlie may be the one to snap her out of this, it seems his character may just end up being used as a plot device so we find out more of Danny's secrets. And I was hoping for so much more out of him. For even though it is obvious he is sort of a Danny 2.0, though perhaps more 1.5, I was thinking through him Jo could begin to move on, recover from her trauma, and maybe eventually break up with him and be her own person.

However, with Lacey's speech about how it has always been Jo, Danny now has had some type of epiphany and went to Jo and I swear to you, as he looked at her and her him, I was thinking "If they kiss I am done with this show." Because as much as I've accepted Jo is there to be a "Trojan Horse" I am really tired of the writers even flirting with the idea of them getting together, ever. No, it would not throw off this idea they are related or give them some type of chemistry. All it would do is continue to make Jo an accessory and make me continue questioning why in the intro she comes in first, though the answer is obvious.


Either way, with Whitney coming on board, more of Danny's secrets revealed, and some relief from all this drama thanks to Andie and Rico, at least Twisted is making me react to something. I mean, the mystery maybe gone; Danny may not be as compelling as he once was; and the girls may have become accessories, but at least they are trying transition to a format which could work for them. I'm disappointed because what the pilot sold isn't what we have now, but you can't do the same thing forever I guess. It's just usually shows wait a few seasons before essentially rebooting themselves.
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