** POSSIBLE Spoiler ** Anyway, this film is a piece of junk.
4 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this "documentary" recently, and boy, what a piece of junk. The movie makers just throw out all kinds of pretty-much random stuff. One thing that cracked me up - they talked about the people that were on the flight that hit the Pentagon... some of them worked for the ARMY, NAVY and many of them worked for LOCKHEED and BOEING!!!! Really? So people that worked in the Washington DC area had some connection to either the military or military contractors? WHAT A SHOCKER!!! Oh but wait, almost within the same breath the "film" is telling us that the Pentagon was not hit with a commercial aircraft. So which is it? Was the plane filled with DOD and contractor personnel, or did a missile hit the Pentagon? And what about the eyewitnesses on the ground that SAW a plane flying low and into the Pentagon?

Then there's the WTC issues. The 2nd plane that hit the WTC crashed into it very close to a corner of the building. Very soon after that, it's PLAINLY seen that about the upper 1/3 of the building was leaning over. If anyone thinks that a structure can have 1/3 of it's weight shifted like that and STILL remain upright.... well, such a person obviously lacks common sense. Sure enough, that building was the first of the 2 to fall.

Anyway, this movie is so ridiculous in it's omissions. I know there are other documentaries that debunk this movie. I'd definitely recommend that no one waste their time watching this garbage because it's so full of untruths and contradictions. You can ALWAYS tell that movies like this are a piece of crap - if they could rely on the truth to convince us, they'd merely tell the truth. But they can't do that - they tell half-truths, they leave out all kinds of proved facts, they give one version of the story when there are hundreds of people that can give another version.... sheer silliness is what this amounts to.
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