Star Trek: Day of the Dove (1968)
Season 3, Episode 7
Negative Energy
5 May 2014
There are several episodes that bank on some sort of energy at work. Species that are pure energy, creatures who absorb energy, and so on. This is one where a sort of Tinkerbell (excuse me but often these beings are like the flashlight images one uses to entertain his or her cat) is on board, feasting over the hatred between the Klingons and the Enterprise crew. There is considerable byplay between these classic adversaries, accusations flying, misunderstandings about history and basic facts. To make a long story short, they aren't much different than warring countries today (the US certainly being one of them). One must wade through so much distrust that getting to some kind of peaceful situation is about impossible. There are weird things that are memorable here. One is Chekov ranting and raving about Klingons having killed his brother (he is an only child). Another is Kirk and Kang having to pretend to be friends with a common goal. They look like they are constipated as they deliver their lines. It seems so unnatural. Still, their intentions are good and it would have set up a nice sequel.
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