Murder in My House (2006 TV Movie)
Decent, but could have been better
5 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I recently saw this movie online, and it was OK. Gary Hudson played his role of the next-door neighbor with a dark secret. However, for the most part, Barbara Niven and Daniel J. Travanti's acting was wooden and felt like they were just reading off a script. But it was still a pretty good guilty pleasure movie.

The movie plot was that children's author Lauren Kessler (Niven) moved into a new house with her ex-attorney father, Stan Douglas (Travanti). Their neighbor, Brian Ellis (Hudson) starts to become involved in their lives, developing a relationship with Lauren. But after learning of a murder that occurred in the guest house, Stan starts digging into the case, wanting to clear the man's wife (Lifetime movie veteran Sophie Gendron) of the crime.

If you're like me, you could probably tell who the killer was. And the movie wastes no time revealing it. That's a big complaint I have with the movie. It has almost no suspense. We know who the killer is, and there's no twists or surprises along the way.

If you're looking for a quick movie to watch over the weekend, this is a good choice. But if you're looking for something deeper, then you should to look for another movie.
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