No wonder it was a flop in theaters
7 May 2014
You can see by the comments on the net or even in the few reviews here that this movie is made for people who despises Christianity and or see Christians as some villains like orcs in movies.

I saw it because I didn't had to pay and I thought it might be amusingly bad, but no not even, its just a bad movie.

The crew behind the movie said it was a flop because of Christian's campaign against it. Nice way to blame others for your bad movie...

I'm not religious but you don't need to be Christian to dislike this movie. You have to really hate something to watch a movie that is anti something. Usually in movies you look for a good story, not hateful propaganda and if you're looking for a true story or a documentary-like movie usually you'll want unbiased objective views.

This movie could only be and was only liked by a few haters.
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