Decent action/espionage piece Tom has his hands full.
11 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a decent little espionage/thriller not so much Die Hard but smart, and most of the technical stuff is done right. You have a story about Tom who is having himself just the worst day at work, and you get a fair bit of back story filler with an understanding of the office itself, and the fact that Tom is very familiar with the layout, and how to get around quickly. The meat of the story like most of these evil corporation stories has flaws all through out, and there are things that Tom should pick up on and he just doesn't, and there are some things that I was hoping to actually see that they did mostly right. HID obviously paid a good deal into this movie, and other than Tom's card not getting any reaction from the readers later in the movie (that can not happen unless the card is broken, the reader will always see something otherwise) the set up was perfect, and it almost makes me think this is a sales video made just for them. I did Enjoy the main story, and was able to forgive a few phone things that they tried to make work that didn't, though the running around was close to being convincing, there were a couple of times that they have Tom run down the wrong hallway, and get back to the bullpen. In the end I do recommend this as a rainy day afternoon filler film that will entertain you, and might give you a few heart racing moments, then you will just forget it. Not the worst movie, mostly just middle of the road stuff though.

Jesse of Jesse.ca
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