This 142 seconds of your time . . .
14 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
. . . might be better spent watching the Kentucky Derby, or changing a diaper, or helping an oldster across the street, or reading the comics page. OIL RIG ATTACK, narrated by primary James Bond series producer Albert R. Broccoli's step-son Michael Wilson, does not shed any new light on any major point regarding Eon Production Company's seventh Agent 007 flick, DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER. Instead, most of this really brief behind-the-scenes feature simply shows a few outtakes of frogmen being deployed to assist Bond in his assault upon the bad guy's oil rig-based facility near the end of DIAMONDS. Anyone familiar with the Legend of James Bond will know that he seldom needs assistance, so it's no surprise that this rather mundane footage ended up on the cutting room floor. Only it didn't: it's slapped onto the ultimate DVD set for DIAMONDS, to give the insomniacs who watch all the "extras" on the little silver plastic discs something more to do with their time. I still think watching California Chrome win again is a better use of two minutes.
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