Slightly less than the first
18 May 2014
Right after the murders at the Rollerdome, Skye Rotter (Lauren McKnight) runs away while her father Charlie (Alex Van) escapes. She reunites with her mother (Myndy Crist) who has since built a peaceful suburban life. She has a daughter Alex Bell (Kirsten Prout) who is Skye's half-sister. Alex's manipulative friend Zoe Chandler (Stella Maeve) pressures her to steal her father's keys to his now-closed club. They plan on a big party coincidentally on Skye's 16th birthday. Meanwhile Charlie has followed Skye to her new home. Brigg Jenner (Chris Zylka) and Derek Mcnamera (Matt Angel) also tracked down their friend Skye.

This is a weak TV horror franchise to begin with. The first movie had some classic horror moments. The last half of that movie has some good points in it. This one increases the family drama. Kirsten Prout is quite good at the pretty sweet girl character. I especially like Stella Maeve as the conniving frienemy. However there are a few too many over-emotional melodrama. As for the horror aspect, this one actually lost some of its slasher horror feel. Charlie Rotter is usually without his mask which just leaves him looking like a homeless dude. The kills aren't as dramatic or as fun. I gave the first one a barely passing grade, but this one is slightly below that.
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