Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (2006–2016)
And I thought Dora The Explorer already was bad enough...
23 May 2014
Okay, so Disney can still pump out some good movies, but when it comes to kids cartoons, they are freaking doomed. What IS this crap? The animation looks someone cluttered on a piece of paper, wiped his/her ass with it and then decided to include it in the final product! But strangely enough, that's the LEAST worst part. The story lines are just boring, overly formulaic and makes no sense. The characters are reduced to be either unrealistically sugar-sweet or total cockalorums (the latter most applied to Mickey Mouse), which would be fine if it was used for comedic abilities, but it's not. NOT. AT. ALL. Also, what have they done to Donald Duck? He was easily the most developed, the most interesting and the most three-dimensional character in the Disney- universe, but you know what? Now he's just like everybody else. Overly happy-go-lucky, kind to everyone and never EVER looses his temper. How did that happen?? It's not realistic, kids KNOW everybody gets mad sometimes, even Dalai Lama probably had a anger moment in his life. So why do they decide to go the weird route that EVERYBODY acts like the super-nicest human being? I always hate that about new kids cartoons, that everyone is just happy all the time for no reason. Also, since when is Mickey friends with Black-Pete? That's just stupid, they are supposed to be enemies! Hell, he even asks Mickey for help in one episode, which is probably the worst moment on this "show" there is. Despite all these examples, I have STILL not gotten to the worst part yet. Oooooh no. You know what REALLY makes me mad? All the other factors are god-awful, but what truly makes me rate this 1 is the goddamn songs! The singing voices are horrible, the lyrics are either super-clichéd or stereotyped (like Minnie singing about her bow tique, just because she wears a bow and is a female). For some reason they also just contain words that aren't even words, but just sounds like something a brain-dead retard would come up with, like "Mickey Muska Mouse". "Muska"? Learn your kids to speak real English. No, I'm just saying, for the love of God, turn your kids away from this show or they'll NEVER appreciate true classics like the old Spongebob-episodes, the REAL Mickey Mouse- cartoons from the 40's or Rocko's Modern Life. If you start loving this show, reconsider your life.
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