Farmed and Dangerous (2013–2014)
everyone should know what's in food in America
26 May 2014
This is an extremely cute, amusing show with the interesting premise (based on facts) that big oil now controls all food production in the country. Behind the scenes we are shown how big corporations manipulate and control public opinion. We learn about free-range farming, problems with giving constant antibiotics to livestock, all about corn, GMO, in the misguided mission of food manufacture. Food was never intended (nor should it be) manufactured. Do we really not understand why bacteria is so out of control and can't be stopped to a large degree by the formerly miraculous antibiotics? What is it we don't understand about the obesity epidemic? If I were a teacher, I would require this series to be watched and discussed in all of my classes. The show is genius, playing like a comedy but dishing out important information we should all be aware of. Ray Wise, once again, plays a devilishly delightful bad guy.
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