American Experience: Death and the Civil War (2012)
Season 25, Episode 1
Memorial Day
26 May 2014
Memorial Day began in Charleston by black veterans? Are you kidding me? This is a first. Who thought of this? What nonsense. Sadly, this was a great series that succumbed to the liberal demand of assigning slavery as a motive for the start of the civil war which in patent nonsense. All in all a good program, but give me a break on the slavery thing as a catalyst to the war. The abolishment of slavery was an unintended consequence of the war, a good one, but had nothing to to do with why it began. Agenda history took over an otherwise good intent. Readers/ viewers should investigate and research the Buchanan tax laws that increased the levies on Southern deep water ports which Lincoln signed into law which prompted southern secession, and his ensuing instructions to blockade those ports, which were the first hostile acts that resulted in the outbreak of the war. But, the black Memorial Day thing is nothing short of hilarious.
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