Really Good Halloween Horror
23 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Every October I gather up a ton of Halloween themed movies and have a marathon. This October I can't wait to add Mischief Night to the mix. I'll even probably save it for Mischief Night itself, which is the night before Halloween, even though I never heard it called that before! This was a movie that had all the standard Halloween horror stuff crammed in it, but also had a whole lot more. Part of me even wants to say it's not a horror movie, but of course there are some scary parts, and there is the usual throat slits and decapitations we've all come to expect. But a big part of it is about talking. I won't say who is doing the talking, that would be a spoiler, but just trust me when I say it's not who you would expect! The movie stars Malcolm McDowell in a small but funny role (he even gets a whole blooper reel in the credits that's worth the price of admission alone) as well as Brooke Anne Smith (who is amazing as Kaylie the crazy teenage beauty) and Marc Valera (who I've never seen before but who will definitely getting more work after this). It also stars Matt Angel from the MTV Psycho 16 movies (he's awesome) and Nikki Limo from Youtube. It's a good cast for such a small movie. The best part of all is the music! It's not like John Carpenter's Halloween theme, it's sometimes rock n'roll and sometimes guitar and sometimes orchestra, but always good. What a great addition to my Halloween line-up!
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