RIP Shauna Grant.
29 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Despite having seen her mentioned on a number of IMDb boards over the years,I have somehow never got round to seeing either a movie or a photo of the tragic Adult cinema star Shauna Grant.Originally planning to search round for Grant's movies straight after Easter,I was happily caught by surprise,when a very kind DVD seller gave me an Easter gift of a DVD featuring not 1,but 2 Grant titles,which led to me getting ready to finally see Shauna Grant for the first time.

The plot:

With the Adult cinema world mourning the sudden suicide of leading actress Shauna Grant,film maker Roberta Findlay decides to interview a number of figures from the industry,so that they can share their own tributes to Grant.As she gets on with the interviews,Findlay decides to ask each of the interviewee's if they believe that Adult cinema is the leading cause of Grant's death.

View on the film:

Keeping away from simply doing a mix of talking heads and archive clips,director Roberta Findlay (who along with being one of the few women directors in the industry,had also worked with Grant in the past) uses cutting room odds & ends featuring Grant (who impressively still shows an alluring prescience) to give Grant a minimal appearance in her own tribute,with the rest of the movie being filled with the people paying tributes featuring in newly filmed sex scenes,which whilst well filmed,do show the title to be incredibly crass in its 'tribute' to Grant.

Matching the treatment that Findlay gives to Grant,the screenplay by John Fasano (who would later write Beverly Hill's Cop 2) displays a real lack of care towards Grant,with almost all of the tributes being paid (with the exception of the final woman,who also does not feature in any action scenes of the movie) featuring a number of false notes thanks to them being scripted,and Fasano's half-hearted attempt to look at the psychological problems that Grant was facing,being something which appears to have been designed to tarnish what should have been a shining tribute to an actress who died far too young.
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