Fright (1971)
1 June 2014
The Susan George fan club president is here again (just kidding!) and my review of FRIGHT focuses more on whether or not this is a picture worthy of this lovely young starlet who unfortunately did not choose her parts well, and ended up in less conventional movies. And got dubbed (a) a sexpot (b) "poor Susan, always getting raped".

FRIGHT, by today's standards, and by the kind of slasher flicks to follow in the wake of HALLOWEEN, is hardly a frightening movie. So if that's what you're looking for, you'd be well advised to stay clear. I wanted a good movie with suspense showing off Susan George to full advantage, and that is what I got, she is absolutely darling in this 1971 movie. At her best. Though I'd always have a special fondness for LOLA, better known as TWINKY. And DIRTY MARY CRAZY LARRY shall forever remain THE Susan George movie. But lookswise Susan's at the top of her game here. Did I say darling?

The It girl of the late Sixties and early Seventies, Susan George was the best the silver screen had to offer at that time. Even today she'd hold her own looking the way she does in FRIGHT compared against the best of contemporary Hollywood. So just imagine her effect on the hearts and minds of men and women alike back in 1971! A blonde bombshell, and a very, very likable one too. Always cheeky in a very cute way, especially in FRIGHT, DIE SCREAMING MARIANNE and LOLA, Susan represents this reviewer's ideal dream girl, and it is saddening that alas! fate ruined her career with health obstacles. But for a time back there, she was the ultimate screen goddess, and her youthful exuberance will forever shine in my heart and mind forever. If you'd observe closely, she wasn't really Playboy pretty, more girl next door with just a fantastic figure and a really great hairstyle. Some people have a lot owed to choosing a great hairstyle, Farrah Fawcett- Majors, Jennifer Aniston... Include Susan George here. I did say darling, did I not?

As for the picture, it really started off on the right track, but gets derailed and loses steam with an unconvincing villain and a script that falls far short as the story progresses. And that scene where she is trying to escape all busty-looking is filmed wrong. Unconvincing. Contrived. Film sexiness as sexiness, don't do it this way, it ruins all credibility and ruined my enjoyment of the movie as I from then on saw through all its mistakes.

Honor Blackman was quite disappointing as well. Really, I can say a lot of good things about this movie: Susan's eyes, Susan's hair, Susan's legs. Without Susan, I'd not have bothered. Put it this way: Anything remotely likable about this movie besides Susan George? No. ZILCH.

But, wow, nice chick. Unforgettable.
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