2 June 2014
I stumbled this movie while i'm surfing on the internet. I'm living in Northern Cyprus for a while now and i have no idea about they were shooting movies or doing things like that. When you started to watch the movie you realize that-even though there are some scenes that talking Turkish- you can understand them so easily it's not like an Indian or Arabic film English. About the story i couldn't find a gap, it covers almost all the bases. You started with a scene that pretty traumatized for the main character and it goes around her. While you are watching you lost yourself in the movie you become one of the people who clapping or dancing. I don't know is it based on a true story or not yet i liked the movie and i smell the old times while i'm watching it. You might think that 10 is a overrated vote yet when you watch it you'll understand it. I think there is no copyright issues about the movie i watched from Near East University site i think there is some kind of sponsor thing. I'm not sure am i allowed the shared that link yet, if you'd like to watch here is the link; http://neu.edu.tr/en/node/2372
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