Review of Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs (2014 Video Game)
Epic mega cluster fail! Ubisoft... What the hell guys.. What happened!?
3 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Watch_Dogs...What to say...ohh what to say...Well The game is beautiful I must say. The terrain details is sort of meh... but the character design is very much likable to me. The libsync which many 3-person games suffer from is pretty smooth too. Voice acting is good. The game appears to be in somewhat decent shape without going deeper

Now...with that said... Going deeper is where the rotten core begins to become visible and very much so.

Watch-Dogs... is a, in my opinion, a very very very boring game. The start ha you going crazy...YOU CAN HACK..YOU HAVE STEALTH... YOU HAVE TAKE-DOWNS... I was beginning to think this could be another Alpha Protocol... But the thing is that Alpha protocol had re playability even though the game suffered from certain things. The game kept many coming back... I don't see any reason why I would return to this OTHER than to run around and shoot randomly at everybody. Is this game a GTA not... but the game is definitely suffering from the same encouraging "time killing" features. Run around, drive like a madman and kill kill kill... Yea...gets really F-ing trivial really F- ing fast! Now... I was informed that THAT was the only fun playing the game and the storyline sucked...I disagree. I found the only worthwhile thing to do was to STICK COMPLETELY with the storyline. The open world feature was pointless because you did nothing but: 1: Hack for money (GTM's) 2: Hack for information about money drops(Parcels with money lying around) 3: Hack for items used to build stuff like distractions etc 4: Hack to find out about people committing crimes( Which is where you run up to them, press the F- key. (quick-time event!!!) DOne deal. ON TO THE F-ING NEXT ONE... Sounded fun right. You can also shoot the guy but that is not much funnier. Its just...THERE....DONE....FINISHED...The guy you saved doesn't say thank you or ANYTHING...just stands there...and then moves on....tralalalala..perfect world....

Yea...I JUST SHOT A GUY WHO TRIED TO KILL YOU!!! REACTION PLEASE UBISOFT!! OR IS THAT TOO DIFFICULT! GOd....Assassins creed games suffer from the same... masterfully dumb AI behavior.

I will say that the world appear more alive..but thats just because of the hacking feature. You get information about peoples lives...thats it...much of it you cannot even can't cannot sneak into peoples cannot hack peoples PC' cannot do anything...but to hack their phones...get ALL THEIR INFORMATION...and get 5 % of the money they have on their bank accounts...

Now... other than that...the arsenal in the game is boring. Guns are feeling unpolished, not worth spending thousands of dollars on...we don't have enough either. Ohh yea...and for those gore lovers like myself... WHen you shoot someone the ONLY blood you will see if the TINY TINY bullet hole EVEN IF YOU USE A FREAKING 50 CALIBER BULLET!! and the blood spatter on the wall the bullet flew into by passing them. There is no bleed out gore... Just rag dolls with red dots... Killing is pointless and boring.

In stealth you have a couple of take downs which is...okay...but the fact that you use your Non-lethal retractable baton EVERY..SINGLE...TIME rather than your..I don't know...HANDS!!! that too is getting trivial really fast. ALl in All...its IN NO WAY assassins creed style combat where every take down was special. And stealth is very poor as well. You can only stealth when taking cover or going into (hostile territory) Auto stealth mode...

Also...another thing Ubisoft!... WHY CAN'T I USE MY BATTON ON ORDINARY PEOPLE!! MUST I BE IN COMBAT MODE EVERY TIME IN ORDER TO USE MELEE!! THAT IS NOT COOL. yea guys..the melee or F-key only works in combat mode. (cops after you..guards shooting etc). basically..not in hostile melee... Yea

Onto the driving...ohh god..the driving.. The driving is excellent...for a racing game... WE NEED AN INKOGNITO DRIVING MODE! AND RIGHT NOW UBISOFT! We're using stealth everywhere...EXCEPT...when getting into a car...then its just COME AND CATCH Me suckers!!!! WHEEEEE (200 miles an hour EVERYWHERE) yea...nice....god...smashing into everything..killing people all the time. SUper nice when trying to be the good guy. God

Overall...the game is a mess, boring, poor content, linear actually due to all the stuff you CANNOT do which reminds me... I WANT TO BE ABLE TO KICK PEOPLES DOORS DOWN..not just walking into their doors...huh..can't go door...nope same...can't go there either..

Its like. shop... yea...hideout..yea.. bars...yea... your sisters house..yea... mission areas..yea....AND DONE!! THATS IT!! EVERYWHERE IS JUST OFF LIMITS! NOT COOL. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO IMMERSIVE MYSELF INTO THIS...!! I CAN'T! Even a hacker would find this boring! Hell...they might just hack you guys Ubisoft just to get more fun out of this experience!

About the clothing... There is ONLY ONE SINGLE OUTFIT DESIGN. The only thing that changes is the color of it .Nothing else. NOTHING! THE LAMEST CUSTOMIZATION EVER! may as well have denied us that because this is just an insult.

I heard from an Angry Joe interview that one of the developer guys or so said you would be able to invest hundreds of hours into this... (laughing maniacally) yea... I have invested more time than I'd like to think about in order to be able to review this...but hundreds...I would have to be on antidepressants in order to go that far.

I want my money back...thats all I have to say which I'm not gonna get because Steam sucks... 4 out of 10. A bad and boring game. Not worth people's money. This is just more Next-Gen BS... Running around, hacking for money and (baton to the face missions) and nothing else.
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