Fabulous tour of early Rome.
6 June 2014
Outstanding documentary, another great BBC documentary which sets standards for historical themed TV documentaries. Mary Beard is truly passionate about early Rome and it really comes through in her forensic study and explanation of one of the most overlooked groups of people ever. Ironically she explains more about how the majority of ordinary Romans actually lived than any other documentary or movie I've ever seen. It's a outstanding documentary, simple and explicative with the narration carrying you very well into roman culture. In this program, Mary asks not what the Romans did for us, but what the empire did for Rome. Together with her expert guests MB really emphasizes the muck and the stench and the cramped conditions - it's radically different to the Hollywood presentation of posh blokes in togas. Mary Beard's Rome is a chaotic and dangerous place, where 'home' was just a bedroom where you slept alongside half a dozen other people. All life went on in the streets, shops, eateries and baths, without any real form of policing (apart from when there was a big match on at the coliseum, and then the legions were dispatched to keep order so folk could go watch without their homes being looted...)

Overall, MB presents an engaging selection of seemingly random snippets which build up to a surprisingly complete picture over all three episodes. She even uncovers a couple of Roman jokes which translate pretty well to modern times (although she needs to work on her delivery). The films don't restrict themselves to the city of Rome, either; plenty of evidence comes from other sites as far apart as the British Museum, Ostia and Herculaneum. The charcoal remains of home furniture, preserved by Pompeii's ashen outburst, are both rare and revealing. The filming leans towards the current trend of soft-focus blurry boundaries, an over-used effect -- but these programs aren't afflicted by a shrieking soundtrack of pointless helicopter shots. It's all much more down to earth! And where music is used.... it's appropriate. Mary Beard isn't the world's most glamorous presenter - if you care about such things -- but instead she speaks directly and with great understanding on a fascinating subject. These three hours gave me plenty to mull over, as well as a greater understanding of this period of history. 9/10 Watch it!!
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