The Agatha Christie Hour: The Fourth Man (1982)
Season 1, Episode 4
This One Is a Poser
8 June 2014
As this tale concerns the supernatural and "orthodox: Christianity, it goes down rather hard on the pertinent points. I can understand everyone's perspective, especially the religious figure. While I appreciate his view, I can think that something else is at play in this instance for which his religious training did not prepare him.

It seems every prolific writer eventually delves into the supernatural. This is especially true of the mystery writers (such as Conan Doyle). However, throughout her works, I did not find Agatha Christie out of touch with the genre, either of the supernatural or the effects of religion, per se, some of which deserve pillorying. This is with the understanding that there is a difference in religion and literally taken Biblical Christianity. Christie did not demean Christianity, I have found, but its posing counterpart in the guise of standardized religion.

Thus, this was a bold endeavor, rather early-on in her career, and likely universally not anyone's favorite of her stories of any type. Personally, I come to her for diversion and entertainment, and the subject story does not fall into those ranks for me.

However, she is always good, and this is not a story I would revisit; however, it is not one that I would strike from my ownership of her works.
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