Follow the Sun: Busman's Holiday (1961)
Season 1, Episode 6
Hit-man on Holiday
12 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
FOLLOW THE SUN – Busman's Holiday – 1961

This is episode 6 from the 1961-62 series, FOLLOW THE SUN. The series, which ran for 30 episodes, follows a trio of free-lance magazine writers. The three are played by Barry Coe, Gary Lockwood and Brett Halsey. The gimmick here is that they are based in Honolulu. Also with recurring roles are Gigi Perreau as their secretary and Jay Lanin as their contact with the Police. Of course the three newsmen are always getting involved with the usual assortment of nasty types.

In this episode, Gary Lockwood and Barry Coe are taking in a day at the beach after pounding out their latest magazine article. Returning to the beach after a bit of surfing, they bump into a man, Jack Klugman and his date, Leslie Parrish. They are soon joined by a friend of Klugman's, Arthur Batanides. They start up a conversation and all make it a date to meet for drinks that evening.

On the drive back to the office, Lockwood can't shake that feeling he knows Klugman from somewhere. Bingo! It all comes to him in a flash. Klugman is a mob button man from the US east coast. Batanides is his number two.

Lockwood and Coe decide that they should do an article on the man. "You know, life of a hit-man." says Lockwood. They meet with Klugman at the big club that evening, and rather stupidly pitch the idea to Klugman. Needless to say the man is not the least pleased with the idea. He "strongly" suggests that the two forget whatever they plan on writing. Coe and Lockwood realize that they have stepped over the line, and agree. They then beat the feet back to the office.

Over the next few days they keep running into Klugman's man, Batanides. Coe and Lockwood are sure they are being measured for a pair of wooden kimonos. They grab a plane and head to one of the other Hawaiian Islands. Of course Batanides shows up there. Back to Honolulu the boys go. Where to go to ground? The office secretary, Gigi Perreau invites them to an out of the way hotel for a party. The boys accept and pack their bags. Again they are meet by Batanides, who steers into the hotel bar to meet with Klugman. Klugman tells them he is here on vacation, and really does not want to do any "wet work" on holiday. They are joined by Miss Parrish who seems to have hit it off with Klugman.

The boys are at a loss at what to do now. They decide to inform the local law. No luck there as the man is off fishing. Things soon have Coe and Lockwood hotfooting it out into the bush to hide. Problem with this idea is that they run straight into Klugman again. Klugman and Batanides intend to take the two for a flight in the Cessna they rented here. A quick trip out over the water and a sudden attempt at parachute less flight will end the boys' day.

Lockwood pulls out a copy of letter that they had stating that 3 different publishers are interested in the "Klugman" story. Klugman now decides to just tie the pair up, then fly the short hop to the main airport for a trip back to the mainland. Miss Parrish is going with him. Klugman says that she does not care what he does for a living. The three fly off for their trip to the mainland.

What Klugman does not know, is that Parrish is also a mob employee. She has been sent out to "replace" Klugman. The mob figures that Klugman is becoming a bit too well known.

The episode is much better than I'm making it sound like. (B/W)
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