The War on Britain's Jews? (2007 TV Movie)
The War On Britain's Jews
14 June 2014
This documentary might best be described as paranoid garbage, but what else should be expected from a programme presented by Richard Littlejohn that uses sound bites from the likes of David Cesarani?

Littlejohn examines what might be interpreted as real acts of anti- Semitism, the extensive vandalism wreaked on a Jewish cemetery for example, but the rhetoric used by especially Moslems – who are seen as the spiritual heirs of the Third Reich - is deceptive. It has often been claimed that many anti-Semites use the word Zionist as a codeword for Jew. The reverse can be said for Moslems, many of whom use the word Jew when really they mean Zionist.

The real cause of the rise of so-called anti-Semitism is correctly identified as the situation in the Middle East, in particular the hegemony of political Zionism.

Since this documentary was made seven years ago, there has been a see change in British and indeed in world politics. Today it is not only anti-Semites – real and imagined – who talk about Zionist conspiracies but a substantial number of Jews, not simply renegades but even those who consider themselves Zionists. Compare some of the things the MP Gerald Kaufman has said about the Zionist régime with the rhetoric of real anti-Semites, and you'll understand. The Gaza Massacre and then the Flotilla Massacre might just have had something to do with that, and for all Littlejohn's whining, the expected pogroms have not materialised, indeed at this moment in the Middle East, Moslems are delighting in slaughtering each other, which begs the question why should they give a stuff about Jews or anyone else?
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