Review of Armaan

Armaan (2003)
A bit like an Indian soap opera, but the Borderline portion of the film is terrific.
15 June 2014
Dr. Siddharth Sinha (Indian mega-star Amitabh Bachchan) is the devoted head of a hospital. He constantly is trying to expand and improve the facility and the only thing he loves more is his adopted son, Akash (Anil Kapoor). It is assumed that one day Akash will take over the hospital, as he's a very accomplished surgeon. However, Dr. Sinha is a bit of a control freak. He has a heart condition that needs attention but he won't let himself take time off for himself--when he should transition control of the place to Akash.

A new doctor, Neha Mathur (Gracy Singh) arrives at the hospital and you KNOW she is going to fall in love with Akash because they have a kooky misunderstanding when they first meet. Not surprisingly, they begin dating and soon talk of marrying.

Soon, a VERY spoiled and obnoxious rich girl, Sonia (Preity Zinta) meets Dr. Akash. Although he is in love with Neha, Sonia has decided she MUST have Dr. Akash as her husband. And, since she's a spoiled brat and her father is one of the richest men in India, she knows she will get him one way or the other. So how do she and her father exert pressure on Akash? Well, they approach Dr. Sinha--offering to fully fund his hospital IF he can get Akash to marry Sonia. Sinha refuses and won't even tell his son about the offer.

Soon after this, Dr. Sinha witnesses a traffic accident and overexerts himself--and dies trying to save a young boy's life. Then, Akash learns about the deal Sonia and her father proposed to Dr. Sinha--and Akash agrees to marry Sonia. He doesn't love her but feels he owes his father so much that he MUST marry the spoiled brat in order to keep the hospital operating. This is because just how much Dr. Sinha gave up in his life for Akash has been revealed to him.

When they marry, Akash tries to be a good husband but it's really impossible for the marriage to work. Sonia is too demanding, too manipulative and too jealous--and she has the bizarre notion that her new husband and Neha are carrying on behind her back. So, she sets out to destroy Dr. Mathur--mostly because she can. What's next? Well, the more the film progresses, the more nuts Sonia appears to be! She's a great example of a so-called 'Borderline Personality'. See the film and you'll see what I mean.

It's odd thing about the film is that even after Dr. Sinha dies, that's NOT the last you see of him. Several times, just like Mufasa in "The Lion King", he appears to his son to give him sage advice! Additionally, Sonia and her father reminded me of the character Princess and her daddy from "The Powerpuff Girls". Now I know few folks who watch "Armaan" would also watch "The Powerpuff Girls" (or vice-versa), but it is a very apt description.

One thing I liked about the film was that Neha and Akash were very ordinary looking actors--not the super-glamorous actors you might expect in such roles.

As for the plot, it's a combination of good and bad. I liked the character Sonia and appreciate showing what marriage to someone like this would be like--it's an over the top performance, but actually realistic for someone like this--and there ARE folks like Sonia. I used to work as a psychotherapist and, unfortunately, worked with several like her. What I didn't love was all the soapy bit in the plot--such as when the Mufasa-like doctor kept appearing, the complicated plot involving the hospital and the silly ending involving surgery on Sonia and a change of heart that is just impossible to believe. Thiese tended to distract from Sonia and Akash's screwy marriage and Sonia's craziness. In fact, the first portion of the film and second are really like two separate films and EITHER on their own could have worked well--together it just seemed like too much. Overall, it's a mixed bag where the good does outweigh the negative--plus it's one of the best portraits of a Borderline I have ever seen.
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