A terrible film
30 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The main subject of this film i.e. the attempted destruction of Native American culture and identity is a really important subject matter. So why has this been cheapened by using it as the plot to a two bit ghost story?

As other reviewers have stated.. the acting is shocking, the dialogue child-like and the plot is all over the place. I am still not sure why the geologist character was in the film at all. At the start he saw a vision of a dead friend of his.. this is never again mentioned as the film progresses. There is a bizarre murder of an official which plays no significance to the rest of the film. The whole thing is bizarre.

The money put into this would have been far better spent on creating a documentary examining the real impact of real live characters who were abused by the system featured in the film.

As a Brit I know almost nothing about modern native American culture.. after watching this film this is still the case. It just seemed to be filled with as many clichés as I would see in Twilight or other 'fantasy' films featuring Native Americans.
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