Joker Rising (2013)
One Of The best Fan Films I have Seen
30 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of fan made films, many of them such as Patient J, Batman Dead End and The Bat In The Sun Productions are really great. But after watching Joker Rising, I have to say, it blew me away. A wonderful gritty and deeply moving film about the origins of the Joker. But this story is completely original. A wonderful addition to all the fine fan made films out there.

To think that this film was made for an estimated $5,000 dollars, it's look and production looks like much more was spent on it. The acting was spot on and the actors actually made you care about the characters.

Violent, deeply moving and yes, even heart wrenching at the end, this is a movie that will stay with you long after you have watched it.

Kudos for a completely different take on how the Joker came into being and also a different look at some iconic characters from the Batman mythology.

I hope to see more from director Alek Gearhart.
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