Doctor Who: Kidnap (1964)
Season 1, Episode 35
The Sensorites: Part 5 - Slightly below average adventure with some good, interesting aspects
5 July 2014
Review of all 6 parts:

The Sensorites

This story has some good ideas and has its moments so it is a decent effort and not bad at all. Overall, though, it has too many flaws and less interesting parts to be anywhere near top quality classic Who - it is ok but nothing special in my opinion.

The Doctor, Ian and Barbara are up to their usual well written standard and the story has very interesting aspects. The alien race The Sensorites (relatives of the Ood from 21st Century series of 'Doctor Who') are interesting as they at first seem very menacing but turn out to only have a few members of real menace with the majority being gentle and friendly. They are pretty well realised aliens, somewhat more three dimensional than your usual TV or movie alien race and imaginatively designed within the limitations of early Who.

The adventure involves tension at times, trust issues and devious schemes. It maintains some interest overall but it sometimes loses momentum and drags. It is good in some ways but has flaws in execution at times. A slightly unexceptional adventure by classic Who's very high general standards, not among the best at all but certainly nowhere near the worst.

Given the limitations the inventiveness and effort to create this is admirable.

My Ratings: Episode 1 - 7.5/10, Episode 2 - 7/10, Episode 3 - 7/10, Episode 4 - 7.5/10, Episode 5 - 7/10, Episode 6 - 7.5/10

Overall: 7/10.
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