Cryptic Plasm (2015)
A micro-budgeted gem of invention & atmosphere by the king of indie horror, Brian Paulin
5 July 2014
Another atmospheric, creative and original gem by my favorite horror director of the 21st century, Brian Paulin. More of a slow build experience than his last three movies, so be patient with this one. It contains stronger performances than in his previous outings (both Olsen & Paulin) and a stunning end sequence.

Like other Paulin movies, Cryptic Plasm is a DIY confluence of Italian Horror (especially Fulci), the Guinea Pig series, Tetsuo: Iron man, anime, and 80s horror, but in the end, his approach and varied influences yield a very distinct art. Nothing else feels quite like a Brian Paulin movie...except other Brian Paulin movies.

Like Blood Pigs, Bone Sickness, and Fetus (which is my top favorite Paulin movie), Cryptic Plasm shows things that few micro budgeted movies would dare attempt and for me these achievements in scope and vision overwhelm any and all technical flaws...and often enhance the atmosphere and personality of the piece.

Recommended to people who want to see distinct, homegrown, creative indie horror.
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