Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver (2013)
Season 7, Episode 13
not the best from Gaiman
6 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There's a lot I could say about the latest installment of the Cyberman run in who, a lot I wish I could say without coming off as insulting. This isn't a great episode, not by a long shot, and what is good is mired inside a lot of rubbish, take the underdeveloped plot of the Emperor, who was Porridge and other than the tiny little bit of him not wanting the responsibility of ruling? I don't mind the secondary and background characters that much, they were mostly there as Red Shirts to die, but some of them were problematic to say the least, killing of the Captain so early on was a mistake in my book, I would have preferred something like Ha-Ha taking centre stage at being the serious leader when the dogmatic and regimental Captain can't, but that's just me. I don't know how this happened really, other than internal meddling or too much responsibility handed to Gaiman, everyone can have a stinker every now and again. I love the new design of the Cybermen, they finally look more than the Cybers industry replicas we've seen since the revival. The short amount of internal dialogue between "Mr.Clever" and The Doctor were wonderful, seeing Matt Smith play off himself as he does two different characters was great.

Yet what I can' stand about Who is the terrible use of children in episodes. I know that certain episodes like to show things from a child's point of view. But why? Why oh why do we always have to get young actors who can't act? Merry Gejelh was a beautiful ray of sunshine for me in Rings of Akhaten, for the black cloud that hangs over this season is Angie and Artie are possibly the most annoying characters who has had since Adric, and that includes the whole Tyler family.

And the argument that probably has to come up eventually is the Cyberman-Borg comparison as they've taken a lot of the Borg characteristics on in this, I don't mind that much as the Cybermen were around a long time before the Borg, but some will complain.
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