Doctor Who: Desperate Measures (1965)
Season 2, Episode 11
The Rescue Part 2: Rather inconsequential but decent character driven interlude
6 July 2014
Review for both episodes:

This two part story involves the introduction of new companion Vicki and it basically exists purely for that purpose. Its story with a mixture of mystery and monster threat is a rather small-scale story but it is not bad at all. Its brevity helps it as it does not drag, it is short and sweet.

The strength of this story, written by David Whitaker, is that it is character driven and just develops further the already strong relationships between the Doctor, Ian and Barbara and provides them all with nice dialogue which adds to the affection the audience have for them.

The new arrival Vicki is found deserted with her commanding officer Bennett on a planet where they apparently live in fear of the creature Koquillion. The first episode just sets up the character of Vicki and the Koquillion story, the second gives a conclusion to the plot and a strong introduction to her as a companion for the subsequent adventures.

Not the most exciting of plots and there are a couple of silly moments which let it down a bit but its character development raises it to a decent level.

My Ratings: Episode 1 - 8/10, Episode 2 - 7.5/10, Overall - 7.75/10
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