Talent will find a way
11 July 2014
As someone who by and large is totally indifferent to sport, reviewing a film about the life of a golfing legend might not be a highly objective task although I would still do my best.

Ultimately, this film is about talent and that talent will find a way to flourish no matter what the obstacles are.

Seve grew up in a low middle class Spanish household, the son of a farmer. Nothing could be further from his world than golf. Early on in life, he developed an interest that grew with the passing of time to become a full blown passion. That young boy knew he was meant to play golf. Thus, after school and on term time developing his skills as a golfer was the only thing on Seve's mind.

The obstacles were of course plenty. Not doing well in school, pressure from home resulted in everything being against him. That did not diminish his passion by one iota. His determination, caused his parents to come to realise that this youngster had made up his mind about life and gold is his choice.

From then on, his talent was quickly recognised within his home town, then Spain and ended up becoming an internationally acclaimed sporting personality.

Like mentioned earlier, talent will find a way and Seve's found his, illuminating the world of golf.
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