The Quick and the Dead (1987 TV Movie)
"I figured you haven't had any fresh meat lately."
15 July 2014
Sam Elliott tosses a dead antelope in front of Kate Capshaw, then delivers that line with a more or less straight face.

Talk about double entendre! It's not the ungulate he's referring to.

The main reason for seeing this film is Sam Elliott, one of the sexiest men of the last century. (Why no one did a remake of "The Virginian" with him is beyond my comprehension.) He could be William-Conrad tubby and still be good-looking. Here he's spectacularly thin and angular. I wonder how many hetero men harbor a hankerin' for him.

The story is nothing special. All the good people live and the bad people die. The dialog rarely rises above the perfunctory.

Westerns are rarely detail-accurate. This one shows something hardly ever seen in Westerns -- a chew stick. After dinner, Elliott chews on one to clean his mouth. On the other hand, one of the bad'uns calls Conti's son a "rug rat", a decidedly late-20th-century term. Capshaw mispronounces "cavalry" but the director doesn't catch it. And I wonder how "Kentucky corn liquor" (which is presumably moonshine) can be brown.

Not the worst way to kill 90 minutes -- but hardly a great Western.
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