really a 7 but needs some love on here
17 July 2014
So to start I consider a non big budget movie with a 7 is generally a good film and as you approach 8 you are into excellent territory. The exception to this rule are your transformers and what not, which fans will give a 10 to, godfather doesn't even have a 10 for god's sake. So back to this film, been a long time since I did a review, but as I said this movie needs some love. I will make this review simple and to the point. The story was very good, the acting and casting was excellent, including an Oscar worthy moment from Casey Affleck. The direction was well done, it was very dark and gritty and a realistic portrayal of middle class white trash life. There is something major in the beginning which happens to Christian Bale that never seems to figure into the rest of the film, in any major sense. There is a plot development that resulted from that event, that existed but wasn't defining to the film. Although, it did just simply exist, which if you want a story that doesn't have to have everything wrapped up with a bow adds to the realism of the film. The ending was not predictable for the most part. Look, if you like dark, gritty, violent films, that are smart, I would say you cannot go wrong.
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