Disappointing and not that funny! 2/10
19 July 2014
Review: I really got tricked by the advert of this movie because it looked quite funny, but after watching it I was really disappointed. I thought that it was going to be about a group of friends that has a mad night out, but they're not even together that much through the movie. It's about the mad situations that each individual character finds themselves in after one night out. One of them ends up babysitting a girl that he fancies, brother. Another one ends up driving around with a girl who steals drugs and the last friend has some severe trouble with his penis. Not the best concept in the world. Anyway, the movie isn't that funny and I lost interest in the characters who I found dull after a while. The script is weak and the whole feel of the film is pretty cheap but on the plus side, it's really short. Disappointing! 

Round-Up: I never heard of any of the character before so I can't really comment on there overall acting skills. I know that the leading character is quite annoying and the other characters wasn't anything special. The annoying music throughout the movie really got on my nerves and the narrating became tedious after a while. Maybe that is why I hadn't heard anything about the film and why I haven't seen any of these actors before. Anyway, it's not a movie that I will be watching again in a hurry or will I be recommending this to any of my close friends.

I recommend this movie to people who are into there buddy movies about a group of friends, in The UK, who get up to mischief on a mad night out. 2/10
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