Review of The Signal

The Signal (2014)
Simply not delivering
24 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Actually I think, it could have been something good, but it was not.

It tried to be something special, but it failed.

It has absolutely no message, no emotions no nothing, although the director tried to create the illusion of them.

Overused slow motion, unrelated scenes cut randomly together, theatrical music totally misplaced and overused, unfinished characters and their background stories, no suspension at all, mixing up styles, like he didn't know if he wants to make a "found-camera" movie, a road trip movie, an alien abduction movie, a romantic movie, a Bonnie and Clyde kind of movie or something else. And I could go on and on.

It just doesn't add up.

It was a boring flick, that kept me watching just because I was curious how the aliens come into the story, but I didn't care for anything else in between and for sure not for the characters and their well-being.
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