Sixteen (II) (2013)
Great movie, great story.
26 July 2014
at first, i thought this is another youth movies which shows party, girls in bikinis to give movie a hype, and just dumb youth kind of movie, but don't think this movie like student of the year, or yaariyan, or kind of rich young brat movies, this movies is the reality, whole movie is sensible, about some friends, how there lives have there bad moments, and how they react in those moments, how they handle themselves, this movie shows how a youth in 21st century lives, how this youth thinks, how this youth is more mature than its age, how we are thinking ahead of our age, this movie is great, story is amazing, i hate how this movie is so underrated, acting overall was great, would love to watch movies like this, a good step from bollywood, good movie,

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