Blue and Red!!!
26 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Granted Lillian Gish is beautiful but here she is just a lovely unspoilt teenager, who along with her sister, Dorothy, were both given a baptism of fire when they were propelled into their first film "An Unseen Enemy" by it's flamboyant director D.W. Griffith. Giving Lillian a blue ribbon and Dorothy a red one (because he couldn't tell them apart) he started drilling them on their scenes - "Blue, run and bolt the door because Harry is trying to break it in", "Red, you hear a strange noise", "you are two frightened children trapped in a lonely house with these brutes". Griffith then got out a gun and started shooting, completely terrifying the sisters, little did they know he was actually making a movie.

After their father's death, their brother (Elmer Booth) is able to sell off part of the land and puts the money in the home safe. Unknown to them, he is seen by the slatternly maid who persuade an old acquaintance (Harry Carey) to help her rob the safe. To frighten the girls the maid goes on a drunken shooting spree but it is interesting that it is Dorothy who has the more demanding role of the plucky younger sister and who after all the shenanigans are over finally rewards her long suffering beau (Bobby Harron) with a kiss.
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