Cross Bearer (2013)
Torture Porn
22 July 2014
This movie is torture porn, plain and simple. It's got the usual crap you see in most horror movies these days: bad acting, bad script, victim knocks the killer out but doesn't check to make sure the killer is dead, characters splitting up, no cell phone service, etc. When I was watching this movie I thought, "People aren't even trying to make anything new and engaging with horror movies these days. It's all about rehashing the same junk." And that's pretty much all this movie is: just a rehashing of the same junk any horror fan has seen before. The killer wears a bedsheet over his head. I subscribe to the idea that if you're going to conceal the killer's identity, give him a good disguise or a gruesome face. Don't just give him a bedsheet and a hammer and expect people to be scared.

Without the credits, the movie is less than 65 minutes. And even within those 65 minutes there isn't much to watch. Much of it is just establishing the cardboard characters and their lives and long scenes inside a stripclub. I don't mind scenes of strippers at work. But I get the feeling the director put those scenes in the movie to keep the viewers interested and to pad together a movie that would have been a 30-40 min. short without the stripclub scenes.

All in all, if you've seen torture porn movies before then you know what you're getting into if you decide to watch Cross Bearer. So you only have yourself to blame if you watch it and end up hating it. I tried to warn you by putting out this 1-star review of this movie that deserves 0 stars at most.
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