Review of Evidence

Evidence (2013)
Beware, it will make you dizzy ... even nauseous.
3 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's a found footage slasher movie with an ending twist toward the most unlikely possibility, which, these days is actually expected. Thus the plot outsmarts itself. It's also a another "girl power" power trip film. Haven't we just about worn out that plot device?

This film will cause viewers to literally become ill. In many scenes the camera spins around the police video analysis room so quickly most viewers will either have to look away or get sick. But that's not all! Strange camera effects kick the film off with several minutes of paused video not unlike a video game where the player can stop world time and all movement. I nearly stopped watching 'Evidence' about five minutes in; it's a shame I failed to do that.

Character wise we've got an annoying British accented female with a camera (what found footage film doesn't have an annoying individual on a camera?), an annoying up-and-coming actress who from her first appearance is very obviously in love with herself, her whiny, annoying boyfriend, an annoying Russian dancer with thankfully just a few heavily accented lines, a grungy looking army wife who does little more than scowl (annoyingly), and a grumpy bus driver who ought to be able to kick some serial killer butt, but never does, of course. Oh yeah, there's an oriental teen who seemed like he could be comic relief but he dies right away.

Yes, I did attempt to make the above paragraph as annoying as possible to read in order to convey the spirit of the effect 'Evidence' will have on you.

What happens? Cops analyze found footage in hopes of solving a string of brutal murders in the Nevada desert. Most of the film involves the viewer watching this found footage from various victims' video recording devices which amounts to--when pieced together--a low budget slasher movie.

This is yet another movie where a group of stranded (fill in the blank) take shelter in a run down structure middle of nowhere and rather than even consider fighting back, cower together after the first murder. The way these "characters" were written to behave suggests some kind of horrifying supernatural thing on the loose. Instead of something cool like that, we end the film with ... frankly ... the stupidest possible solution to the watered down mystery posed by its so called plot.

Please, do yourself a favor and avoid this one. Otherwise, the only entertainment to be had (the camera spin will still make you sick), is to make fun of 'Evidence' by staging your own episode of Mystery Science Theater.
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