7 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OF ALL THE animal characters in the Disney stable, only Pluto hasn't the ability to talk. Of course, as any dog owner knows, your dog does speak in his own way and does make valiant efforts to do so in the vernacular of his owners.

SO IN A SENSE, the sort of humor imparted by Pluto in both his own starring vehicles, as well in any supporting role is at least somewhat akin to that of Harpo Marx, Marcel Marceau and comic strip characters such as Otto Soglow's THE LITTLE KING. Although he persistently varies the modulation and rapidity of his barking, he still cannot formulate words and sentences; relying instead on his physical actions and body language to get his message across.

AS FOR THE cartoon short THE LEGEND OF COYOTE ROCK, we have been presented with a gem of a cartoon. From its beginning to its closing titles, it is a delight for the senses; be they visual, auditory or of the sense of humor.

WE FIND AS we look in that Pluto has been cast in the role of a sheep herding canine. His section of grazing land is semi-arid and strongly resembles the famous Monument Valley of Utah. Hovering over this domain is a rock formation resembling a coyote, perched high above. The off screen narrator describes how he heard the "Legend" of how this came to be from Indians.

THE STORY RELATES of how a personality rich and intelligent coyote had staked out this same territory and of his cunning in drawing the protecting Pluto away from the pen by feigning lameness in a subterfuge of a chase. The addition of a feisty and wanderlust inclined little Black Sheep and Pluto's coming to the little lambs defense.

ALL'S WELL THAT ends well as the flock returns to the safety of their pen. By then, both the pursuer (Pluto) and the pursued (Coyote) have led a merry chase; both destroying natural rock formations and causing the 'construction' of "Coyote Rock".

AT THE CONCLUSION of this chase, Pluto is saved but it appears that the Coyote has met his fate in falling into the chasm below. But, the preservation of a happy ending is insured as Pluto and the little Black Lamb hear the distinctive howl at films end! AS IS THE case in all great cartoon shorts, there is no wasted footage and the production team knows how to end it. This is no exception.

THE ONE ELEMENT that distinguishes this eight minutes of animation from just about all others is the spectacular use of the Disney Multi-Plane camera and the exciting chase across the rock formations. The effects and photography are outstanding and very dramatic.

NOW, THAT'S VERY unusual in a cartoon designed to make us laugh.
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