Utterly Embarrassing
4 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I knew even before I watched the movie that it was going to be bad, but I never expected it to be THAT BAD.

The film circled around the two main characters, Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo. I'd use the characters' names but it their acting was just so horrible that it seemed that those two were just playing their own personas. Daniel's dad got into an air crash and Daniel met Kathryn in his journey to find his dad. While that happened, they got time to explore the past love life of their parents.

The following events were the usual sappy, melodramatic, "romantic" clichés that I'm not going to go into much detail into. Aside from the horrible story, there are millions of plot holes that the movie didn't even attempt to explain. Why didn't Kathryn tell her parents that she was being bullied by Daniel so they could do anything to stop him? Why did she suddenly fall in love with Daniel? Where the hell did that "Sexy Love" nickname come from? Why did the other girl just suddenly become sick? I could go on forever. The fact that the older Daniel and Kathryn were played by the same actors in the flashback didn't help either.

There were also blatant product placements and there were so many inconsistencies in the setting. The costumes were also a joke. They were so exaggerated that a satiric film set in the 90s would be embarrassed to use them.

The film was just an embarrassing stunt to make money out of the cult following that Padilla and Bernardo have. If you have any respect for the art of filmmaking, stay away from this film and watch something else.
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