Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda (2014 TV Movie)
Better than I expected
3 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well I doubt I'll watch this one again but it wasn't as bad as I expected for a SyFy made movie. The opening scene with the biologist taking samples and pulling up an egg sac was so wrong when she said it could be from a Great White. They pup live young, octopi do the egg sac thing. Robert Carradine is very good in his character, a little insouciant, pragmatic, rich, and just good. Conan O'Brien looks very old in his, thank goodness, brief appearance. So anyway after the bird-fish goes bananas and Carradine bribes the owner to release the sharktopus to counter act it, Ha Ha, things go as you would expect. Blood, dead people, violence, more dead people, the creatures hunting each other when they aren't eating people, very predictable. I thought the sharktopus was suppose to only go hunting the flying fish thing when it was implanted but it slaughters as many people as the fishy thing. This is all started by an apparent Russian agent working as a slimy mercenary, who has high jacked the birdyfish's control signals. The interaction between the biologist who worked with sharky and her lifeguard boyfriend is kinda funny, at least at times. They find the mercenary, he escapes through some badly written scene, they track him, wound him, and the birdy thing rips his arm off, he dies, a fitting end. Carradine's end epitomizes poetic justice. The end when it finally comes is predictable and trite. The two creatures plunge to the depths with a bomb in the birdy, it blows up, both appear to die, but then just before it is over guess what shows up?? (hey gotta leave room for another darn sequel).
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