16 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to like it. I lowered my expectations as much as I dared. What really sealed its demise was the way it took an interesting idea for an original monster siege horror, and drained 'every last particle of energy' from it. I feel they could have done so much more with the concept even with the limitations of this production.

It could have benefited from a more competent stab at the science. Several references in the movie are worse than Solo's confusion of parsecs with units of time. The whole foundation of the plot is a hand wave- one with vague references to television signals in excruciating verbal shrugs that Christopher Lee looks appropriately uncomfortable delivering.

The characters are boring, the dialogue is terrible, the science is gibberish, and the conclusion is anti-climactic. In the absence of any other quality, the poor visual effects and bland acting fail to drag this dull-witted movie out of the bog. Not the worst I've seen, but irritating and forgettable.
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