Sadako 3D (2012)
Do not have high expectations
17 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As much as I love the ring franchise this movie was so lacking in that eerie tone and film quality that really set ringu apart from all other horror movies. I really do place the Ring high up in my ranking of all horror movies. Its pacing, its cinematography, the slow development and climax arc of the story. I thought that I would enjoy this movie just because I am such a huge fan of Sadako/Samara and her story. But in order to enjoy "Sadako" you need to throw away all preconceived expectations that it is going to be anything like Ringu or the Ring. Because it most definitely is not!

The premise of "Sadako" is what makes it totally worthless and shitty. The most obvious updated plot of Ringu would be to graft the story into an online viral video schema. But without any development, complexity. This movie really lacked color and creativity I must say. It's too easy, stale and stagnant. There is no dynamic arc. The cinematography is boring. The acting is boring. The plot is totally uninteresting and matter of fact. The only thing that was mildly exciting about the film was the action packed ending. The fantastic Sadako/frog CGI chase might be worth a watch. But really otherwise this film is not worth your time.
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